Video Series: New Generation Elvis Fans

Back in June we had a conversation with two Elvis fans that were utilizing their social media platforms by providing content on Elvis. The unique aspect of this was both gentleman were in their early 20’s and both providing unique content on the king. Michael part of a father son combination travels around the country to concert arenas that Elvis performed in. Along with his dad, Jay, they have been to over 100 locations and documenting their travels on their YouTube channel ‘Elvis Back On Tour’.

Travis who also join in the conversation provides content on his Instagram platform ‘@dailyelvispost’. The description of his Instagram platform is spot on his updates on what Elvis did on a given date are plenty including concerts, achievements and the whereabouts of Elvis on that given day. He also has a YouTube channel the ‘Kings Corner With Travis’ as he provides further information on collection and happenings such as Elvis Week in Memphis.

After checking out more social media platforms we discovered that Michael and Travis were not alone in the admiration of the king that in general there is a rise in interest with young Elvis fans even prior to the Baz Luhrmann movie but since the movie interest is off the charts.

Utilizing our Always Elvis YouTube channel we recently invited some additional Elvis fans to join us for a second episode talking about various Elvis topics. I was joined by Mary and Sophia and I soon discovered in the conversation that although they had been Elvis fans for a shorter time there passion and enthusiasm where that of a long tenured Elvis fan. We talked about how they became Elvis fans, music, movies, collecting and even what they would do if they could have had a ‘Date With Elvis’.


Sophia's experiences during ‘Elvis Week’ has brought her fandom for Elvis to another level.

Mary enjoys the music and movies but also keys on Elvis as a person learning about the man behind the music.


What I got out of this conversation, as a long time Elvis fan, was there are young fans out there that do want to learn about the ‘details’ of Elvis from his career in music, movies and even the personnel side of his life. It’s important for long time fans from those that saw him in person, went to the movies and collected Elvis items for decades to share our perspective and knowledge with the newer fans that are wanting and willing to learn.

At one time I remember being told at my younger age and learning about Elvis that people like myself were the next generation of Elvis fans. We were the fans that may have been around during a short time of Elvis life but were too young to get the opportunity to see him. At the time I learned about Elvis from my uncle and then engaging with Elvis fans that seen Elvis perform, watched his movies as they were released, helped me grow to become the fan I am today.

Today there is what I call the new generation Elvis fan that were not even born until much later after Elvis passed but they have an opportunity to still learn from those may still have seen Elvis perform and those that have carried on the knowledge of being an Elvis fans for many decades. The key for fans like myself is to be open minded, continue to share Elvis and knowing the reality is the details of Elvis achievements are without question withstanding beyond decades. Elvis first #1 record Heartbreak Hotel will still be his first number one record regardless of what decade you are in.

The Always Elvis Fan Club hopes to continue to have these conversation with the ‘newer’ fans and share them in future episodes of our YouTube channel. Below is the recent episode with Sophia and Mary as well as the episode with Michael and Travis. Give them a watch!

Watch the full episode with Sophia and Mary.

Watch the full episode with Michael and Travis


Upcoming FTD Release: Elvis Las Vegas 1971


‘Blue Hawaii’ First 4K UHD Elvis Movie Release